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Asia remains a varied land thriving again after the long devastation of war
and famine, but now it is a land yoked to the military might of the United
States and the economic might of the Two Chinas. Many Asian nations still
seek sanctuary in isolation, but that remains a path towards stagnation.
More nations have opened up to the new realities of technology, such as the
testing-grounds of Sumatra which yield super-rice and deep-melons of an
amazing abundance.
Faced with a collapsing economy and social unrest at the shocking end of
the Pacific War, the elites of southern China - long steeped in capitalist
methods and power structures - took control of their territories from the
humiliated and shattered People's Army forces. The mayor of Shanghai, Lun
Yangbao, rode a wave of anti-war popularity and forged a new political
movement called the Party for Justice. With strong American military and
financial backing he declared independence from the 'corrupt' regime which
had initiated the disastrous war with both Russia and America. During the
New Mutation, many Chinese cities and regions became de facto autonomous
fiefdoms, each of which had to be persuaded by force or subsidy to join the
new Chinese Coastal Republic. While most of the north stayed loyal to Beijing
and the west fragmented,
the major population centres from Shanghai to Hongkong quickly threw their
lot in with American Governance forces. A short-lived Guangxi Zhuang Free Republic
was quickly restored to CCR control by American paratroopers.
The defeat of Communist China in the Pacific War crushed the last remnants
of democratic reform and communist power in the areas of China not occupied
by American forces. Hard-line politicians, backed by People's Army generals
still smoldering from their defeat, quickly removed the last old-style
communists from the State Council and instituted a rigid totalitarian bureaucracy
which governed North China for nearly ten years during the Reconstruction
when most of the countryside was in rebellion and the cities were depopulated
by plague. Most enterprises came under the control of state councils
and specially-appointed industry Mandarins. These individuals had been extensively
trained and genetically tweaked since childhood to serve as ultimate leaders.
Physically perfect, emotionally stable, intellectually brilliant, these molded
'tools of state control' took only three years to wrest control of North China from
the generals. By 2032 a new regime, calling itself the Zhongguo (Middle Kingdom) Party,
began purging the military and political classes, imposing Confucian principles,
re-introducing the Imperial Heirarchy, and instituting the system of testing
for imperial service that once governed everyday life in China for hundreds of
years. The Mandarins had analyzed all aspects of global society and had come to
one conclusion: foreigners were toxic and Chinese culture had to be sanitized against
all foreign influences. The Mandarins' Middle Kingdom Party changed the PRC's
name to Imperial State of Zhongguo and removed all traces of foreign (especially Western) culture
from Chinese society, but without rejecting modern technology. Suits, cola, MTV,
independent netlinks, hamburgers, symphonies, rock music, pornography, were all
banned. Millions of 'sympathisers' were murdered along with Maoist insurgents,
democrats, free enterprise capitalists, and crime lords.
The violent unification of the two Koreas has left deep national scars
in the land which may take decades to heal. Korea remains a highly
militarized and paranoid security state covered by a veneer of democracy.
A relatively liberal economic regime is coupled with strict controls
on movement and transacting with 'enemy elements' (Chinese Zhongguans, Communists,
Japanese, militant labour unions, &c.) carries the death penalty. Korea is a
stalwart ally of the United States and gleefully provokes border clashes
with Imperial China while maintaining a fiercely-independent nuclear
arsenal (~100 warheads) of its own, despite American pressure to dismantle it.
Occasional naval clashes with Japan highlight the unpleasant relations across
the Sea of Japan, and make the region somewhat hazardous to cross by boat.
Korea remains economically divided, and Northeners
continue to face government and social discrimination amidst a backdrop
of poverty. Various peasant terrorist groups have risen to demand equal
treatment and an end to martial law and police brutality, only to face
a tough crackdown by the intelligence services. The People's Reformist Front -
a communist rebel group supplied by Imperial China -
continues to attack local South Korean officials and cause havoc across the
Japan underwent a period of economic trauma following the collapse of
its major banks during the Tens amidst the Asian Slump, and its melancholy
electorate decided to elect a party of stout nationalists and isolationists
who slowy broke off contact with the rest of the world. The Japan of today
may still be wealthy, but the aging of its population has made it extremely
conservative, xenophobic, and cautious. The New Mutation profoundly shocked
the Nipponese into reconsidering their close ties to the rest of the world.
Today the patrician majority sullenly enforces cherished rituals and techniques
at the expense of innovation and freedom.
One of the first casualties of the globalized economy, Indonesia suffered terribly
during the New Mutation, losing nearly a quarter of its 240m people to famine,
plagues and parasites. The incompetence and corruption of government officials often
made things worse and precipitated a series of regional uprisings which splintered
Indonesia into a dozen small countries. The brutal civil war pitted the nationalist-Malay
Union Party against its main opponent, the Islamist Sekarat Alliance, as well as a
dozen various rebel groups demanding independence for their ancestral homelands. The
involvement of Red Chinese insurgents and provocateurs and American commandos made
the situation even more unstable, and Indonesia was consumed by bloodshed during the
Pacific War and beyond. Only in 2028, when victorious American forces finally emerged
from the New Mutation strong enough to impose order upon South-East Asia did the
fighting stop in most places. Today the major nation-states in the region include
Java Republic (the rump of Indonesia plus southern Sumatra), Aceh Islamic Republic
(northern Sumatra), Flores, Bali Enterprise Zone, Free Timor, Borneo Free Estates
(controlled by Intercons), Kalimantan Special Administrative Region (US Governance jurisdiction),
Sumatra Denied Area, and the Mallaca Republic.
This area includes most of the Philippines south of Luzon, Micronesia, the Moluccas,
Kalimantan, and even parts of North Australia/Queensland. The PCZ is in a continual
state of rebellion, and subject to US Governance occupation forces, which have placed
most regions under martial law. Several atoll cities are in the hands of Triad
pirates, Maoist or Confucian rebels, or local warlords. Heavy fighting against Chinese
forces in the Philippines and Malaysia have crippled the economies of those countries,
and only the former has managed to escape poverty - by circumventing the Research Control
Regime. Apparatus personnel are deployed in large numbers throughout the 'Zone, and
special USSOCOM (Special Operations Command) jungle-warfare teams are rumoured to be
using adaptation-symbionts to penetrate hidden rebel outposts in the deep forests.
The scattered and fiercely independent lands on the western side of Kalimantan and
on the Penang peninsula constitute the modern nation-state of Malaya. This land is
one of furious progress and terrifying change, where the government encourages
genemods, tectogenetics, eugenics, chimerics, cybernetic implants, and all the
other wonders of modern technology. Malaya's renunciation of the draconian Research
Control Regime came after the repeated vacuum-bombing of the peninsular cities during
the PacWar by American troops fed up with 'neutral' Malaysia harboring entire
battalions of Chinese infantry. Devastated by war and subject to what it considered
an unfair stigma by Allied forces, Malaysia swallowed the city-state of Singapore and
the rich lands of Brunei and formed a federation dedicated to resisting all Western
interference. Malaya was expelled from the Protocol framework and subject to a brief,
but unsuccessful, invasion by pro-American Javanese forces in 2024. This 'bullying'
of Malaya has embittered the people against all foreigners, but especially against
Americans. Declaring a new "Techno-Visionary Republic", Malaya embarked on a programme
of developing all forms of restricted or banned high-tech. Shadowy corporations and
criminal laboratories flocked to Kuala Lumpur and Penang to develop forbidden nutek.
Fortunately Malaya's damaged condition and isolation from world financial and trade
flows have retarded its development and infrastructure, making progress difficult,
but even after a mere 15 years the advances in all fields of science have been
astounding - and equally terrifying. Despite strong threats from other international
players, several Intercons (most notably Synthesia, China Motor Industries, and
Burma Confab) occasionally trade normal products with Malaya. Malaya includes the
autonomous Malacca Republic, which maintains a stranglehold on shipping from India
and Europe through the straits of Malacca.
The lands of Burma, Lower Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaya and Indonesia
were all ravaged to varying degrees during the War and New Mutation, but only
Thailand and Burma have re-emerged stronger than before. Vietnam, though an
ally of the US during the War, has only allowed selected American intercons to
enter its growing market and does not allow anyone to develop the territories
it calls the Mekong Community (basically occupied Cambodia, Laos and Hainan).
Thailand and Burma have both emerged as heavy industrial economies, and both
draw upon Malaya's illegal scientific research to support their technological efforts.
These countries are joined together only by a common electronic currency and data-exchange
format which allows them to connect their networks together and maintain
a semblance of sophisticated commerce. This standard is the Asian
Streamlined Format (ASF), and its principal administrator is the
South-East Asian Community (SEACOM). Founded in 2026 by US Governance troops
to restore data communications in South-East Asia, the Seacom has grown
over the years into a formal economic and diplomatic union. Prodded into
opening their markets by Protocol agreements, the Seacom nations entered
into a customs union in 2029 and a currency union in 2033. The Asian Dollar
is the regions single currency and has proven to be a boon to poor inflation-prone
areas. Malaya officially adopted the Asian Dollar in 2034 despite not being
invited by Seacom to do so. American influence over Seacom varies. On the
one hand, the US' military might and control over many smaller governments
gives it great leverage, but on the other hand this very interference often
antagonizes the larger independent nations. Seacom maintains a central government
of sorts called the SEA Commandarate which has the authority to print money
and set commercial regulations, but Seacom is not nearly as unified as the
European Union.
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