
Despite years of anarchy following the New Mutation, Africa has regenerated
itself under the oft-brutal but relatively efficient Azanian (former South
African) and Congolese
allied governments, who together have melded many of Africa's former warring
statelets into a loose federation. The secret of Congo's success has been
in carving its territories into separate ethnic provinces where one ethnic
group is a majority by more than 95%. This regime of ethnic cleansing has
resulted in fewer civil wars and more cooperation among the various tribes,
while still allowing each to operate under a single banner. After the
bloodletting of conquest and disease had subsided, most Central African
nations were relieved of the burden of overpopulation which had caused so
many previous conflicts. Free trade agreements with North America and
Pacifica under the auspices of Protocol allowed Congo and Azania to develop
budding industrial enterprises, which in turn attracted corporations who
had few sources of cheap labour left in the world. Heavy industry developed
slowly and painfully, but with Neo/Victorian investment in Congo in 2030 the
money for base- and infrastructure- building became available. Congo and
Azania became bitter rivals, with Azania already having swallowed most of southern
Africa. Yet for all it's conquests, Azania still tolerates the autonomous
Republics of Orangeria (Afrikaners), The Cape (English/Mixed), and Swaziland (Zulu).
The New Mutation also brought ecological disaster and, much later, ecological
regeneration. Africa is one of the few places on Earth authorized by the
Medical Collegium to experiment with genegineering technology. Many high-tech
labs have relocated to Uganda and Congo to field test Clotis creatures, new
strains of super-bacteria, and even forbidden parasites. Super-endurant algae
are being used to stabilize and moisturize the migrating sands of the Sahel,
while mercenary troops combat rebels using clonal chimerics.
Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya have become Africa's success stories. Their high
investment in education, tax incentives for mid-tech export corporations,
commitment to open economies, and good treatment of foreign corporations
attracted a wave of investment seeking a haven from troubled Asia during
the 'Tens'. Today Uganda is a 'newly-developed' nation, brimming with heavy
industry and even some space development corporations. Kenya, despite its
problems with providing basic services to a huge population, has managed
to grow at a rapid pace. Tanzania devolved power to its many provinces in
2025, and proposed an initiative to bind the three countries into a regional
grouping of over 120m people. Today these three are heavily linked in a military alliance
against Congo as well as a customs union. The region has a heavy presence
of Intercontinentals, as well as several large indigenous corps such as
Baklan Processing and Dushambe Motor Industries.
