
The scene of a bloody nuclear exchange during the Pacific War, the sub-continent
fragmented and then slowly reunited under the administration of the Indian
Confederation. Both northern Hindustan (the main inheritor of old India) and
Pakistan suffer from radiation poisoning, drought and famine, and the region
was further depopulated by the New Mutation. The Thar Desert has expanded enormously
and efforts are under way to seed it with genegineered high-evolution plants to
stabilize it before it swallows all of Pakistan. The Republic of Khalistan
(Land of the Pure), an autonomous Sikh state carved from the NW shards of the
old Republic of India, is one of the poorest regions, though its militant
inhabitants scorn outside help or foreign interference. The regions of Bengal,
Assam, Hindustan, and Tamilstan form the core of the Indian Confed, while Pakistan
remains mostly a bandit kingdom run by local warlords and the Security Franchise.
Both New Islamabad (old one got nuked, along with New Delhi) and Karachi are
under martial law and remain prone to riots by Islamists. Sharia law is in effect
throughout the countryside while most urban areas use Common Law and Protocol
brokers to handle what little business is still active. Smuggling into the Central
Asian war zone is a popular pastime.
Hindustan did rather better than Pakistan and is now one of the world's largest
economies (sixth in size) with a burgeoning middle class and many large state-owned
industrial enterprises involved in chemicals and aircraft manufacture. Hindustani
satellites and microgravity factories are used by many third-world countries which
cannot afford the high-cost quality of Western or Japanese space structures.
Hindustan becomes
more prosperous as one travels south and the megacity of Bombay is probably the
biggest commercial port on the Indian Ocean. Hindustan also maintains a large
blue-water navy and controls the island of Tamilstan (formerly Sri Lanka). The
infamous Indo-Russian Alliance still exists because Russia battles India's old
enemies: Islam in the West and China in the East. India competes with Cathay but
remains the poorer rival, and its influence over Tibet is not appreciated by
the Chinese.
Bangladesh has remained poor and now half of it is under water as well. Constant
plagues and riots plague this small but populous country, and its fervent brand
of exported nihilism has earned it the unwanted label of 'terrorist capital of
the world'. Some two dozen large terrorist/nihilist groups use Bangladesh as a
safehouse and recruiting ground, for its people hate foreigners and especially
Westerners even more than Palestinians. Bangladesh is - unsurprisingly - a
Denied Area and Bangladeshi suicide-aircraft are routinely shot down on the
border by Burmese and Hindustani warjets.
