"We have some evidence that the Chairman Mao Institute for Medical Research
was doing immunosuppressive research on pigs to support its organ xeno-transplantation
industry, which was booming in a particularly nasty way before the collapse. Now
whenever you get a new virulent human pathogen, you can be pretty sure it comes
from a pathogen that's based on an animal host, usually a domestic animal host.
Pigs, for instance, are a major source of human flu viruses, so we can imagine
a situation where Chinese medtechs are using a modified HIV to knock out the
immune system in pigs. So this little immunosuppresive bug marries a flu bug and
voila! You have HIV-Flu, capable of devastating the human immune system
not in years but in hours. By the time we realized what was happening, it was
way too late. There were Chinese refugees all across the world, and China's
airline fleet was full of people that they had infected..." Dr. Amy-Jessica Castillo (Wired
Scenarios 1995)

The great outbreak of plagues and viral weapons released during the final days of the Pacific
War were a horror which no country or society was prepared to handle. After the televisions
had their fill of body counts in the millions and pictures of horrible new strains, the general
public became much more cautious, some would say paranoid, about health care and contamination.
Sanitation procedures in schools and daycares were the first to become extra-rigorous, with
hourly scrub-baths, constant air filtration, and routine daily testing for symptoms. Following
the implementation of the draconian Osaka Biosafety Protocols the rest of society started the
same treatment. Thousands of new 'vaccine' and 'purification' products came on the market
almost overnight. People in the rich world spent vast sums on health care because when one's
health is in danger, nothing else matters as much. The poor had to do with government-
distributed vaccines that became obsolete within days. Even this was often unavailable in the
devastated third world, where even hardened war-journalists would no longer venture.
Among the new diseases where such mild versions as the 'scabbies', a form of malignant body
sore, all the way to 'novokrev', an airborne filo virus which causes massive internal
hemorrhaging in all organs. The new mutation quickly brought unknown organisms into daily
consciousness, as when a particularly noxious type of strand-worm ruptured famous news-anchor
Gary Stelman's esophagus during a live webcast.
Among the countless varieties of worms, beetles, spiders, ants and other critters, the most
noxious are probably the Eudonthrae ('good teeth') and Little Colonecrile, parasites so
vicious in their appetite that they've captured the imagination of nearly everyone across
the globe.
The main consequence of the New Mutation has been an erosion of trust and freedom in most
societies, where letting a stranger into your home could now be more fatal than at any other
time in history. The mass death caused by the new diseases has also lead to a global revival
in spirituality, mostly of which is unfortunately of the 'save-my-pathetic-life' or
'destroy-us-for-our-sins' kinds.
This mass religious revival has greatly increased the political power of the Roman Catholic
Church, the Council of Churches, the Party of Purity, and the Christian Coalition (represented
by the Heartlanders). In 2025 the Vatican released a new encyclical entitled The Perfect
Hells, a vast Boschian work describing in minute detail the suffering inflicted on sinners
who strayed from the righteous path of purity - a work which was to supposedly help third-world
Christians in understanding the new plagues. Radical Islamic groups such as the Flame of Allah
brutally kill anyone suspected of infection, while many communities - such as Switzerland -
desperately attempted to seal themselves off completely. In the end the societies which
suffered the least where those which accepted the New Mutation and quickly developed
counter-procedures and biosafety protocols, not those which imposed isolation.
Nevertheless, people have stoically adapted to the new mutation and have learned to live with
the stringent daily procedures much as we have learned to drink our tapwater from filters,
something which would have seemed paranoid to someone living in the 'ignorant' 1950s. When
HIV mutated into a sweat-propagation vector, people quickly began wearing transparent
full-body undersuits to protect themselves. Personal space has increased, and so has
'invisible' hourly testing of cast-off cells to spot infection. Great Minds monitor and
contain the spread of infection down to the last rat.
A final consequence of the Dirty War and the resulting spread of nasty organisms is that
many technological (especially genetic) devices are strictly forbidden by the Research
Control Regime. This is a Protocol-maintained global body which monitors and prohibits
certain lines of research which are deemed threatening to the existence of human beings.
This might include anything from grafting extra appendages or even nanotech signal carriers.
The regime has restricted many promising lines of inquiry which may have benefited mankind,
but it has undoubtedly prevented some unpleasant technologies from arising as well.
Needless to say, many pariah countries (such as Persia and Vietnam) choose to research
anyway, while certain Free Zones such as Shanghai have a reputation as being excellent
places to get prohibited black market devices such as Poison Maidens and Dissemblers.
