
If ever there was a new Western Frontier, it is Pacifica. Despite the problems
of the Pacific Conflict Zone - an area of insurgency against American colonialism
stretching from Micronesia to Java - the region is thriving on Orbital trade
and freedom the like of which can be found nowhere else on Earth. Pacifica
trades in biomass, fuels, and minerals with the Orbitals, and benefits immensely
from its policy of Free Flows - the free flow of people, goods, technology and
information. Though the wild west mentality of the region dissuades many corporations
and intercontinentals from setting up facilities here, the open nature and
uncumbered business climate attract countless medium-size firms and entrepreneurs.
Pacifica thrives on trade, and has some of the largest capital and financing
markets in the world. More astonishing, it also boasts two spaceports, one in
Kalamantan (on Borneo) and one in the kingdom of Hawai'i.
Forming part of the Pacifica Confederation, the Union of Australia & New Zealand
(UNANZ) is the new Land of the Free. It's business-friendly and Orbital-friendly
policies have created great wealth, and the cocky nature of Australians ensures
that American interference is reduced to a minimum. Australia may be more mixed
in ethnicity than ever before, but it's still a land of the Great Outdoors and
of sport-as-philosophy. Although the New Mutation devastated this land as much as
anywhere, the Green Slime that slithered across the Outback from a damaged
Clotis generator has turned Australia into a giant zoo and theme park for outsiders.
The rest of Pacifica is composed of thousands of tiny islands and kingdoms
such as Micronesia, Polynesia, New Caledonia, Fiji and other territories.
American territories are usually economically-integrated but politically
aloof. Despite a massive influx of immigrants and the creation of limited 'Atoll
Cities', Pacifica remains sparsely populated and economically weak. Incomes
may be rising, but so are the sea waters as global warming wreaks havoc across
the region. Pacifica is also a hotbed of Triad insurgent and American counter-insurgent
activities, which occasionally spill out into the daylight.
