
Mexico, the powerhouse of this region, has become an industrialized
nation with strong development in the North, but uprisings in the South
and conflicts with Guatemala. Following decades of civil war, small
nations such as Honduras, El Salvador and Panama re-emerged from anarchy
and slowly joined the world economy by supplying pristine eco-tourist
destinations and low-wage information-processing centres for Mexican
informatics combines.
Mexico is a strong nationalist democracy whose patriotic
ardour is exceeded only by its political infighting. Relations with
the United States are - as ever - lukewarm and ambiguous. While the Mexican
government promotes economic ties with America, it vigorously attacks
any American paternalism or attempts to weaken its ties to Mexican-Americans
in SurCal, New Mexico and Texas. Those states are mainly populated by
Hispanics and as such maintain close ties with their home country.
The ruling Justitia Party relies on conservative-minded Hispanic votes
to maintain its monolithic power even while it reviles anything that
smacks of multiculturalism. Nevertheless the economic power of wealthy
Spanish-speakers in the Southern USA exerts enough pull to moderate
American colonial policy in the region. For the past two decades America
has allowed Mexico to exert influence over the Central American region,
with the result that countries such as Panama and El Salvador are filled
with Mexican soldiers enforcing tribal peace treaties. Strangely enough,
the north Mexican states of Nuevo Leon, Sonora, Baja California, and
Chihuahua consider themselves more American than Mexican, and fiercely
resist any 'meddling' from politicians in Mexico City. A strong revival
of old Aztec mythology and architecture has been in evidence in the
southern states, and helps to provide Mexicans with a unique cultural
climate wherein they can feel secure from the all-pervasive American
globoculture. With the introduction of pharmas after the New Mutation,
Mexico's powerful drug cartels were shattered by waves of sting operations
and the introduction of legal drug-processing centers. Most of the
black market moved into open business while the corruption moved into
the webworks, where turbohackers infiltrated the pharma databases to
redirect shipments to blanks.
The New Mutation took a horrific toll in Centram, especially weakening
the Native Indian communities. The upside of this biological disaster
was that the countless uprisings which had kept smoldering into the Tens
were extinguished as rebels acquiesced to the necessity of working with
governments to temper the plagues. Today Central America is united in
an economic confederation called Centram, but still consists of small
and suspicious nation-states. With Mexican peacekeeping forces stationed
throughout the region, the potential for confrontation is growing daily.
Centram's most successful nation is probably Costa Rica, which has focused
on tourism and informatics-processing for large Mexican and American
combines. Three-quarters of the population speak English, and the education
system is the envy of other Latinos. Costa Rica plays host to several
datahavens and Atlantean high-grade Vaults.
Playing second-best and fairly high on the list of economic development
is Cuba, once a crippled foe of the United States and today probably its
most important economic possession after coastal China. Following the death of old-time
Communist leader Fidel Castro the nation was plunged into a bitter succession
battle in which the progressive Gauto Mellende emerged victorious. Mellende's rapprochement
with the still-hostile American government brought a lifting of sanctions and
eventual free-trade in the 20s. Cuba's economy took off after American
corporations started a massive investment drive and Cuba's previous investment
in excellent education and social equality finally paid off. Following in the
footsteps of Puerto Rico, Cuba was eventually granted associate status with the
US and decided for closer economic integration with the 'mainland'. Still,
Cubans' fierce nationalism has caused trouble at home among disaffected youth
who resent Washington's heavy and paternalistic hand. As a center of growth in
the Caribbean, Cuba has attracted many Black migrants from the region and
exerts influence over the politics of South Florida, creating the Sun Zone
centered on Miami.
Guatemala was wracked by violence during the 2010s are Indians massacred whites
in rural areas in retaliation for a campaign of 'quiet eradication'. This carnage
culminated in the release of a terrible pathogen in Guatemala City in 2012 which
killed most of the city's (white) inhabitants and pushed Mexico into invading
the country two weeks later. Gautemala has since gained autonomy within Mexico,
but rebel groups continue to use forbidden parasites and virii for terrorist
