Red Star
Digital Union
Eagle Corp
Holy Trinity
Latinate Council
Triad Association
Medical Collegium
Sec Franchise
The Registry

Bureaucracy: 6
Military Might: 10
Infosphere: 3
Secrecy: 4
Public Relations: 6
Internal Security: 7
Influence: 6
Equipment: 7
Presence: 8
Technology: 8 (Military)
Initially a large consortium formed from the shell of EuroKonsortium,
Securitech, and dozens of smaller self-defence forces which sprang
up during the chaos of the New Mutation, the Security Franchise was
formed along corporate lines to promote a cohesive, responsive,
cost-effective alternative to brutal militias, prejudiced vigilantes,
and oppressive government troops. Initially offering its services
in America and Europe, the Security Franchise quickly branched out
to other strife-torn continents. Wherever it encountered government
opposition, it used its image of goodwill and its strong citizen
base to pressure politicians, who naturally saw it as a threat to
their power of the state. After several initial clashes - most notably
the infamous Promskov Incident - the world's governments recognized
the military and lobbying power of this vast consortium.
After a period of consolidation and minor retreat in America - where
the government managed to restrain its operations in a number of
devious ways - the Security Franchise has expanded to most parts of
the world, and strikes terror into the hearts of bureaucrats from
Hanoi to Dublin. The Franchise makes use of Protocol-supported
agreements on Enclaves to secede a small chunk of land and protect it
with massive firepower in the initial stages. The Security Franchise's
titanic marketing teams first move into a customer's territory and
declare it a Freehold under Protocol Section J(iv)-Paragraph 28 of
the International Protocol Agreement on Sovereign Jurisdiction. This
is immediately followed by the necessary security/military teams even
before the transit documents have been approved. Only three times in
its history has the Security Franchise been denied transit rights.
++++++And shyte was that a SNAFU you wouldn't believe...picture a
equipped-for-bear ex-SAS brigade moving right into a Russian tank road block
at Promavskaya Boulevard at FRIGGIN' NOON IN MOSCOW! The footage (rights
cornered by Digital Union) topped the global box-office lists for 16 weeks
straight, and the extradition teams (legal and otherwise) were kept busy
for another 15 months before the whole pile was cleaned up...+++[NovaHuta]+++
++++++Heard they had to reconstruct that section of the Boulevard from photographs.
Well, it taught the SF that you can't tangle with a bear in her own cave, yah+++
++++++Yeah, the Franchise may have lost, but customer orders shot up by 1300% that
year, and 27 new franchisees signed up after they saw the footage. Not much of a
setback, ya know+++[Shenkiller]+++
The Security Franchise, though loosely structured, is a full-fledged Intercon, and
as such has a voting right on the Protocol Security Board and has operations around
the world. Franchisees undergo intensive training and follow a strict set of
procedures detailing all possible contingencies, conveniently stored in a big red
three-ring binder which must be kept handy at all times. This Intercon has grown
at a phenomenal rate since the war, signing up Mujahedeen in [the former] Pakistan,
New Guards in Georgia, Carabinieri in Padania, and Righteous Fists in Cathay.
All are united by the common SF manual and doctrine of "Service With a Smile & a Gun."
++++++Although the Franchise is
efficient and offers low-cost private security to everyone from the poor peasants'
collective in Brazil to rich condominiums in Paris, it also suffers from a 'Soviet
Doctrine' mentality which can lead to spectacular cock-ups even when all the paperwork
has been cleared+++[Specktator]+++
Members of the Security Franchise staff are considered business-mercenaries and
are generally well received by the public. Governments, Clans, and other institutions
will display a very cool reception. Franchise personnel are shot on sight in Holy Russia.
[Beginning Characters may select an extra Weapon Special due to their long training
at Security University in Tampa, Florida]
