Red Star
Digital Union
Eagle Corp
Holy Trinity
Latinate Council
Triad Association
Medical Collegium
Sec Franchise
The Registry

Bureaucracy: 6
Military Might: 3
Infosphere: 6
Secrecy: 4
Internal Security: 6
Influence: 7
Equipment: 9
Presence: 5
During the wave of privatisation which swept across the European Union at the turn
of the century, the Commission (along with national governments) decided to force
major European aerospace corporations to finally merge into a single aero-defence
combine. The Europeans were being badly hurt by the American giants of Boeing,
Raytheon and General Aerospace (Northrop-Grumman + Lockheed-Martin) and wanted
a European champion to represent their combined defence industries. In a flurry
of activity and subsidies, Airbus combined with Arianespace, Aerospatiale, DASA
(Daimler-Benz's aerospace unit), CASA of Spain,
and host of smaller companies to form Eurospace. This new company quickly bought
most of the European Space Agency's facilities, including the launch sites at
Kourou (French Guaina) and in Australia.
Following this restructuring, Eurospace quickly began to dominate commercial
satellite-launching and began to expand into space structure design in cooperation
with the Americans and Russians. Euro-American camaraderie quickly faded after
the collapse of NATO, and Eurospace found itself in bitter competition with not
only Boeing but also Golden Rocket Industries, a massive Chinese space company.
The Pacific War brought immense rewards to Eurospace, which was protected from
competition in order to boost European jet-fighter and warsat production. Eurospace
began developing complex space structures in 2025, and has been a leader in
innovative Orbital habitats ever since. Today Eurospace designs sophisticated
stealth vehicles, weapon platforms, warplanes, civilian aircraft, and many other
systems. Eurospace maintains spaceports in Guyana, the Canary Islands, and in
the Seychelles.
+++You won't find a more pampered Intercon anywhere in the world, with the possible
exception of Zhongguo. Eurospace receives mega-euro from the Commission, and even
with Protocol's free trade treaties in effect it still manages to keep competitors
from the really juicy contracts. The French especially support the idea of a
European champion to promote European ideas...Eurospace just nods and slurps up
more subsidies+++[ValutaFish]+++
