I've decided to eventually upload all the work I've done on Neon Twilight
and make it free on this website, in installments. Since very few people were willing
to pay for my work, I've gotten a real job in IT and I probably won't
be adding anything further here because of other commitments. Hope you enjoyed my idea of
a dark future. Ciao.

[05.26.99] Added all the entities and all the world info.
[05.25.99] Added data on xenorganics and necrosis.
[11.25.98] A large part of the techno section has been updated.
[11.22.98] Some new Lifestyles info.
[11.20.98] Added a Hacker's Lexicon.
[08.30.98] An adventure called "This Bright Future" is being completed.
[08.22.98] The lexicon is being updated slowly.
[08.15.98] Added new material on North America and Delta City is now online!
[06.23.98] Did a frames version, didn't like it, switched back.
[06.19.98] A subversive new Xsabotage section! (free)
[06.05.98] Improved Rules and Combat sections. (free)
[06.03.98] Different splash screen. Banner available in Misc.
[06.03.98] Added the Future History of the World. (partially free)
[05.30.98] Updated almost all the pages to new unified format.
[05.29.98] Added new Xenorganics section, for GMs only. (not free)
[05.25.98] Finished all the Security Entities. (partially free)
[04.28.98] Added the new Turbohacking section. (free)

The brief Chronicles
of my Shadowrun Team...in all their twisted glory.
A survey
of your cyberpunk beliefs. Let know what you like and hate about
the cyberpunk genre and this site. The survey is anonymous, so if you
want me to write back to you, email me instead.
