The first reasonthe one commonly cited by historians and analystsis
that the disastrous New Mutation necessitated swift and harsh measures to
contain the genetic damage and ensure that civilization would not collapse in the
face of massive ecosystem breakdown.
The second reasonknown only to the higher echelons of major governmentsis
that advanced medical procedures can now bring recently-dead people back from the void.
This shocking fact has been successfully suppressed for nearly fifteen years now,
with only superstitious rumours finding their way onto the trash-shows via Fringer
culture and through crack-pot conspiracy theorists. The development of the procedure
known as the Delblanche Necrotic Regenerative Series came as a shock to the British
government, which at the time was busy re-integrating Scotland into its tattered national
edifice. Within hours of contacting the British government of their findings at Oxford
Laboratories, the entire bio-engineering team and their families were
whisked away to a secret GCHQ facility in the Midlands, to await the verdict
of a meeting the British were initiating with their major allies. Under intense American
pressure the British agreed to bury the project. Two weeks later the American Directory
had replicated and perfected the process. One year later, with the secret still
spreading and an increasing likelihood of exposure, the American government called
a super-secret meeting of the Protocol Security Board and proposed the Research
Control Regime. After hearing the details of the Regenerative Series, the Board
unanimously voted to implement the RCR and to keep the process secret for a minimum
of twenty years. Apparatus agents who learned of the process never again used the
word Lazarus.
Test Case
An event occurred on May 7, 2027 which generated a create deal of confusion in the
media, suspicion in the Fringer community, and (most surprisingly) terror in the
ranks of the American Intelligence Apparatus. Celebrated Texas Governor M. H. Dalton
was visiting the former Freehold of Houston which had agreed to rejoin the State
when a series of bullets hit him in the head, abdomen and arms. He was immediately
rushed to Alamagordo General Hospital where, after 2 hours of intensive surgery,
he was pronounced dead at 01:44 am
by the hospital spokesman. His assassins were captured within three hours by State Troopers
and taken to Fort Brack Penitentiary. At 02:36 the armoured police van carrying
them hit a derelict landmine left over from the War and exploded, killing everyone on board.
At 02:15am Special Washington Envoy Harris Kensington held a press conference and
announced that Governor Dalton's life had been saved at the last moment by a team
of specialist surgeons flown in from DC, and that despite the seriousness of the
Governor's wounds he would most likely recover from his injuries. Chief Surgeon
Bartholomev Yip, who was resting in the basement during the conference, expressed
stunned disbelief when first approached with the news by a team of mediagraphers.
In the webcast interview he said "that the re-animation of a man from such a severe
state of death" was beyond his belief and "certainly not within the bounds of medical
knowledge". He later recanted his statement. At 02:30 President
Aspen expressed his "...great regret and grief at having lost a valuable friend and
advisor.", a remark he later attributed to lack of sleep and the confusion of the moment.
The following
morning the Hospital staff announced that Governor Dalton was recovering in critical
condition. The incident was never fully cleared up, and was marked only by the eerie
refusal of any of the people involved to discuss it. Hospital webwork logs smuggled
out of the network by unknown hackers indicate a clear cessation of bodily function
at 01:19am for a period of 46 minutes, at which point the surgical-control computer in
the operating theatre was deactivated by authorized sources.
Necrotic Effects
Necrosis is the name given by Fringers to the 'resurrection' of someone
who should have died, and is usually followed by the half-joking remark
that "It's a terminal disease of the powerful". The Delblanche Necrotic
Regenerative Series is a potent process through which a recently-dead
person may be re-awakened back to life despite the obvious degeneration
of bodily tissues, especially in the brain. The patients of the process
show distinct memory loss, a fading of energy, a certain coldness of
emotion, and a frightening lack of what psychologists call Affect. Instability
builds up within the patient until a complete collapse (mostly in the
form of a coronary) kills the patient, this time for good.
Necrosis is practised in the utmost secrecy by the American Apparatus
and Directory, and the fact that its scientific details are known to
only the highest-placed personnel is the reason behind the paranoid
superstition of these organizations. Everyone within the Apparatus knows
the process exists, but most believe this to be a quasi-mystical aspect
of the Government, not a scientific procedure. Most also believe the
process utilizes alien parasites, and they view all patients of the DNRS
with barely repressed horror. CIA personnel maintain that the process can
be used to dig up secrets and memories within a dead man's mind, and will
therefore never, ever willingly betray anything about the Delblanche process
to anyone.
The frightening truth is that the people who Return from wherever they
were while dead (they never remember) bring something back with them.
It's not something that can be measured in psyche profiles or in blood-sugar
levels, but its there nonetheless. The families of people who have been
reunited report that sometimes it's as if something else was watching
out of the eyes of their loved one. Watching, and taking notes.