First off, we have to explain the terminology. Presenting the Hacker's Lexicon,
or Hexicon for short. Yeah, it's long, but it adds
a helluva lot of flavour to the future, and allows us to quickly explain
difficult concepts. Read first, then go to the next sections.
Compad : Small portable computer & projector. About
the size of today's portable phones, it has the computing power of a Cray-7
and is generally a photonic system. Short for Computer Pad. Compads are aware
of their surroundings and can comprehend many voice and hand-gesture commands.
Projector : A small device which projects weak
red/green/blue lasers onto the retina of a person to create a false 3D image
or simex panorama. The image can be superimposed on regular vision (like a
translucent mirage) or completely replace normal vision. Projectors
basically replace datajacks (from SR & CP2020) but are slightly different.
The projector's lasers cannot be used to physically hurt the turbohacker
(although it can be used for psychotropic effects) like a simsense datajack.
The turbohacker also remains aware of his surroundings in a vague sort of way
and can react at 1/2 Reflexes to events in the real world. However, the turbohacker
also has to rely on his fingers and voice commands to control the deck
instead of mind impulse. Running while hacking is now possible!
Connector : A powerful laptop-size compad which links
to the global Infosphere and collects data and processes. Nobody uses the
term 'computer' to describe things anymore because computers are imbedded
into everything; it's like calling things 'electric devices' in today's world.
A connector connects you to the net and collects any data you might need,
but doesn't actually run programs because processing is distributed across
the global infosphere.
Avatar : a custom image in cyberspace which represents
you. This image can be anything, from James Bond to a robot to an actual likeness
of your character. Terrifying avatars can induce a Fear penalty against human
Infosphere : The global network of networks. What
was called the Internet or the Matrix before the System-3 reorganization.
The infosphere doesn't just distribute and connect data; it also processes
data, runs programs from custom-assembled code blocks, and improves itself
Spiderig : A collection of custom-built connectors
used by turbohackers to perform superfast and supercomplex operations. Spiderigs
are control centers which actually run their own program suites. So-called
because spiderigs are usually bulky machines festooned with webs of cable
and controlling dozens of links to the Infosphere, like spiders at the center
of a web.
Suite : Game term which refers to a collection of
turbohacking programs as well as the accumulated backdoors and passkeys a
turbohacker possesses. A turbohacker is said to be proficient in one or several
suites. "Kola employs his Cracking and Dossier suites to find info on Jeremy."
Host : An individual computer system. Host addresses
may be used to spice up roleplaying, but they do not figure into the game
mechanics since it is often difficult and time-consuming to keep track of the
hundreds of hosts that a turbohacker may infiltrate in the course of an operation.
Comspec : Communications Specialist. The formal
name for a turbohacker used in government/corporate/military establishments.
Comspecs still use Spiderigs though.
Spawn : Low-level self-generated digital beasties
formed from the constantly evolving genetic programs resident in the Infosphere.
Spawn - also called Flora&Fauna - are usually a nuisance but can become large
and dangerous to hosts.
Great Mind : Artificial Intelligence, Class 1.0.
Sentient pseudo-intelligence displaying emotional behaviour and individual
personality. Read more about Great Minds here.
Processor : Game term used to describe the speed
and complexity of the processors in a connector/spiderig as well as its
ability to draw on the Infosphere's processing power. Rated 1 - 10. Suites
cannot be higher than the rating of the processor.
Memory : Game term describing the memory
capacity of a connector/spiderig, which is used to determine how many
suites a turbohacker can be running simultaneously. Rated 1 - 20.
Barriers : The security that protects a host
or a spiderig. Barriers can be active, reactive or pro-active. Some barriers
can damage spiderigs or even the turbohacker's mind. Equivalent to Ice or
Firewalls, but spiderigs must also run barriers to protect themselves.
Passkey : A digital encrypted self-mutating
code program used to unlock files and links between hosts. Passkeys are
made in such a way as to be nearly impossible to copy and are usually
hardcoded onto some physical device (such as a passcard) which must be
inserted into a compad and synched with biometric data to activate.
Domain : A region of the global infosphere
that has unique characteristics. For example, the Congo domain is slow
but the barriers are very pro-active and can be brutally damaging since
the governments of the Congo do not worry about lawsuits from damaged
citizens (they're dictatorships). The Columbia domain (NW US) is fast
and security is tight, but reactions to intrusions are limited by law
and are generally mild. More info on domains.
Hub : A large concentration of hosts within
a domain. Hubs usually correspond to large cities in the real world, but
large military installations or offshore data havens can also be big hubs.
Like domains, hubs can also have distinctive atmospheres and rules.
Bot : A controlled roaming program designed
for a specific purpose and guided by a turbohacker. Many governments
user hunter-killer bots to track down and attack turbohackers in the
Rig Mode : The emphasis placed on a spiderig's
operating capabilities during a run. Spiderigs can be set to Penetration,
Stealth, Infiltration or Passive modes. Modes allow the player to add an
extra die to operations that are suitable for that mode, but must subtract
a die for unsuitable operations.
- PENETRATION - offensive mode good for attacking, damaging or crashing
- STEALTH - for sneaking around without affecting anything or being
detected. Good for probing and analysing hosts.
- INFILTRATION - for corrupting and suborning hosts to do what you
want, but only within the normal capabilities of the host.
- PASSIVE - for roaming the infosphere, datatracking, and using normal
legal operations.
