"There's no such thing as an Atheist in a foxhole."
Murphy's Laws of Combat
Combat resolution is a bit more conflicted than simple skills. When making
an attack, use the appropriate combat skill + Attribute + d6 against the
opponent's appropriate combat skill + attribute + d6. If the attack is
ranged, the defender can use his best combat skill to dodge. If the attack
is hand-to-hand, the defender must use a hand-to-hand skill to defend.
Combatants are assumed to be dodging and trying hard-as-hell not to get hit
unless they explicitly say otherwise; a person who is standing still has
an effective Reflex of -5.
Damage is based on the assumption that the wielder of a gun will be using
it to its full capacity - ie, someone with an assault rifle will fire short
or long bursts, or a spray to hit several targets. The damage multipliers
have already figured this into their rating to save on dice-rolling and
decision-making during combat. If an auto-gun wielder chooses to fire
a single shot, it's damage rating would be as if fired from a light or
heavy pistol, depending on its calibre, and the wielder does not get the
recoil penalty the next round. So a bullet from a Barret M50
sniping rifle would only (!) do x2 damage, but snipers usually aim for
the head, and this could double the damage again.
Firearms in 2038 are even deadlier than today. Most handguns use 8mm caseless
(that's like a 12mm cased round!) which does massive amounts of damage.
Exploding bullets, smart bullets, borers, piercers, and incendiaries can
increase this even further. In other words, COMBAT IS VERY DANGEROUS.
The best defence is either hardshell armour or to simply not get hit.
Damage is a special case in Neon Twilight. In combat the Degree of Success is
the damage inflicted. Melee weapons do an additional 1-10 points of damage based on
type, while firearms multiply the successes by the weapon type to determine
final damage. Damage chart is as follows:
Firearm Damage
Light Pistols | x1 |
Heavy Pistols | x2 |
Smugs | x3 |
Assault Rifles | x4 |
Machineguns | x5 |
Minigatling | x6 |
Melee Damage
Punch | +1 |
Martial Punch/Kick | +2 |
Knife/Body Slam | +2 |
Martial Kick/ | +3 |
Big Knife | +3 |
Short Sword | +4 |
Rapier/Foil | +5 |
Flying Kick | +5 |
Long Sword/Katana | +6 |
Battle Axe | +7 |
Claymore/Greatsword | +8 |
Polearm | +9 |
Strength is added to the damage total.
Minimum 1 point of damage is taken if the attack was successful.
Heavy Leathers |
0 |
+1 |
0 |
Spiderweave |
+1 |
0 |
0 |
Light Soft |
+2 |
+1 |
0 |
Heavy Soft |
+3 |
+2 |
-1 |
Partial Shell |
+4 |
+3 |
-2 |
Full Hardshell |
+5 |
+3 |
-3 |
BAL = ballistic protection against firearms
MEL = melee protection against weapons, swords, etc.
PEN = penalty to Reflex for all physical actions
The first two can be overlaid.
Range Modifiers
+3 Point-Blank
+1 Close range (within 5 metres)
+0 Normal range (5-20 metres)
-1 Long range (20-40 metres)
-3 Extreme range (40-80 metres)
-1 per additional 40 metres after extreme
Flycams can reduce all ranges to Normal when used properly.
Combat Modifiers
Aiming +1 per round up to a max equal to your Perception
Intelligent Targetting Weapon +1 strike only
Recoil -1 per round of burst fire after first
Stabilizers = reduce recoil by 1 per rating (Cost = Rating^2 x $500)
Aimed Shots
Head -5
Arms -3
Legs -3
Distractions -1
Cover +1 to +6 to defend
Large target +1 to strike
Small target -1 to strike
Target highlighted +1 to strike
Target immobile Reflex = -5
Twin Guns -1 Good hand, -3 bad hand
Example of Combat : Shenkiller decides to attack the
security guard. Shenkiller's Rifle skill is 7, and his
Reflex is +1. The guard defends with his best combat
skill, which is SMuG at 5 plus his Reflex of 0.
Shenkiller is at close range, so his roll gets a +1 for
close range, and another +1 for his Intelligent Target-
-ting Computer. Shenkiller rolls a 3, and his Action
Total is 7+1+1+1+3 = 13. The guard rolls a 1 so his
Action Total (to defend) is 5+0+1 = 6. The Degree of
Success for Shenkiller is 13 - 6 = 7 multiplied by 4
for the Assault Rifle, for a total damage of 7x4 = 28
points. The hit location roll is 11, indicating several
hits to the arm(s). The guard then subtracts his Toughness
rating (which happens to be +2) plus his Partial Shell
armour (+4) for a net damage of 22 points, which is still
Wound Complications
Whenever a player takes a full 'category' of wounds, she must immediately
roll for shock/trauma, which could potentially make her unconscious instantly.
Yeah, exploding bullets are a bitch. Life is a bitch. Death is more of bitch.
After the combat is finished, each surviving (as in alive)
player makes a healing roll to see if there are any complications due to
the highly unsanitary conditions prevalent in most of the world. The roll is
usually First Aid + patient's Toughness to avoid complications. Use the
chart below to determine if some nasty parasite has managed to infiltrate
your liver and will pop out spectacularly three months from now.
As for healing, after each combat the players may roll First Aid +
Dexterity against a difficulty based on the damage taken : Light = 8, Moderate = 10,
Serious = 12, Critical = 14, Dying = 16. If using Surgery instead of First Aid, lower
the difficulties by 2. A positive success regains a number of Health equal to
the character's healing rate and stabilizes
the patient so that no further damage takes place. Rapid movement may induce
bleeding again. Bleeding occurs at the rate of 1 Health per round if the character
is Critically wounded.
Wound Complications
-2 |
Parasitic infection (GM's choice) |
-1 |
Bacterial/Viral problems (-1 healing rate) |
0 |
No healing (doctor required) |
1-2 |
Normal healing |
3-4 |
Rapid healing (+1 healing rate) |
5+ |
Regeneration! (heals in 1 day) |
Hit Locations
Damage can be astronomical, and head wounds are usually fatal. This is why helmets
and good body armour are so important. If you want to look cool and not get hurt,
either learn how to dodge like a fly or choose the Bulletproof Special.
Hit Location
Head |
1 |
x2 damage |
Body |
2-10 |
Normal |
Arms |
11-15 |
Varies |
Legs |
16-20 |
Half movement |
Design Notes: I haven't had the time or inclination to finish the full weapon
tables yet. It's really not too hard to adapt weapons from Cyberpunk2020
to this game, so why don't you give that a try first. I'm not even sure
that people will use this system at all, so I'll be waiting to see if
people want me to elaborate on the missing bits (reach, range, accuracy,
armour weight, etc.). For now it's up to you to wing it.
